" IPs & LGOs Exam for the year 2014 is postponed "

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

SB Aptitude Test

Office of the Superintendent of Post Offices, Mahbubnagar Division,
Mahbubnagar-509 001

To [By Entry/Regd]
in Mahbubnagar Division.

No:B1/SB/APT                                                            dated @ Mahbubnagar the 20/01/2014.

Sub:-  Grant of SB allowances for Postal Assistants in SB/ NSC branches of Post
          Offices - Aptitude test on the pattern of incentive bonus Examination to be
          held on 23.02.2014(Sunday).

It is intimated by the Post Master General, Hyderabad Region, Hyderabad vide Endt.No PMG (H)/RE/SB.APT. Test/ 2014 dated 15.01.2014 that it is proposed to hold the SB Aptitude test on the pattern of incentive bonus examination for SB/NSC branches of Head Post offices on 23.02.2014 [Sunday] based on the pattern and syllabus communicated vide Directorate Lr No: 113-07/2010 DB dated 23.08.2011
The time table of the examination is as follows:
Date & Day
23.02.2014 [Sunday]
(Prescribed rules with the aid of books).
10.00 AM. To 12.00 Noon.

            Applications are invited for the above said examination from the willing and eligible officials.

Last date for receipt of applications in the Divisional office fixed by CO/RO  is  10.02.2014.

Please circulate the contents among all the officials under acquittance, including those are on leave and deputation.

DA: As above.
                                                                   Superintendent of Post Offices
                                                                Mahbubnagar Division
Mahbubnagar-509 001
Copy to: 
1)  All OAs in DO MBN
2)  All Recognized Service Unions.                                                

Friday, January 3, 2014

Posting of Treasurers and Filling up of vacant posts in Mahabubnagar Division.

O/o Superintendent of Post Offices, Mahbubnagar Division
Mahbubnagar 509 001.

Memo No: B1/RT/2013 dated @ Mahbubnagar the 03/01/2014.

            The following postings / transfers in the cadre of Postal Assistants are ordered with immediate effect.
Part –A (Posting of Treasurers)

Name & Designation of the Official (S/Shri)
Posted as
P B Uma, PA, Mahbubnagar H.O
Treasurer I, Mahbubnagar H.O

At request
A Arunamma, PA, Mahbubnagar H.O
Treasurer II, Mahbubnagar H.O

At request

            Part –B (Posting at Sub Offices)

Name & Designation of the Official (S/Shri)
Posted as
T Rahool Kumar Reddy, Oftg SPM, Kodangal S.O
SPM Kodangal S.O
On request without TA/TP.
M Ravi Kumar, designate PA, Mahbubnagar H.O (on deputation at APS)
SPM Krishna S.O
In the interest of Service.
Since Rule-38 approved
N Mangamma PA Mahbubnagar H.O
SPM Musapet SO
K Beerappa Oftg SPM Uppal Camp S.O
SPM Uppal Camp SO
Temporary Transfer, (Exceeded 180 days at Uppal Camp SO).

1)      Postmaster Mahbubnagar HO is directed to arrange that the officials listed in Part A should assume in the Treasury posts immediately and report compliance.

2)      The official at Sl No 03 in Part B is directed to join in the transferred post, on expiry of leave. Meanwhile, Postmaster Mahbubnagar HO is directed to relieve a suitable hand to Musapet SO immediately and report compliance.

3)      No joining time is allowed to the officials. The Officials at Sl No 01 and 04 in Part B should submit the joining charge reports, by return of post positively.

4)      Charge reports may be sent to all concerned.
Superintendent of Post Offices
Mahbubnagar Division
Mahbubnagar 509 001.
A Copy of this memo is issued to:
1-6) The officials.
7-12) Service Books of the officials
13-18) PFs of the officials at DO MBN.
19-20) The Postmaster Mahbubnagar HO/Gadwal HO for necessary action.
21-69) All Sub Divisional Heads/PMs/SPMs in Mahbubnagar Division.
70-71) All Recognized Service Unions in Mahbubnagar Division.
72) The Treasurer Dealing File, B1 Branch, DO MBN.

72-73) Office Copy/Spare.
74) All OAs in DO MBN.